Have you ever wanted your own virtual care-free tam! Well, you can have it! This little sucker needs no care or attention, except to watch over your site for you! All you have to do is name him then stick him somewhere on your site and he will be a happy little guy, dancing for you and all. Just copy the little html fragment below and he's yours! Remember, the link must remain on him though! You can personalize him by filling in a name in the space where it says: _NAME_ME!_.

<a href="https://members.tripod.com/~TamagotchiTrading/index.html"> <img src="https://members.tripod.com/~TiburonII/animtam.gif" align="center"><p>My name is _NAME_ME!_<p></a>

Which will look like this till you name it!

My name is_NAME_ME!_